
Venus, also known as The Morning Star, it is called this because it is the brightest planet, it can be seen early morning or early evening, depending its orbit around the sun.

you would not want to live on Venus, you would crushed in an instant, and turn into a crisp, this barren planet is covered in acid clouds, and has incredible dense atmosphere.

the cloud layer is too think, to let sunlight in, however, this means the clouds reflex most of the sunlight making it appear so bright is the twilight sky.

Venus is a rocky planet, it is believed the surface is similar to earth due to it been about the size of earth, however due to the thick atmosphere and crushing density under the clouds we can not be sure

Venus is also very unusual as it spins backward compare to the Earth, and the spin is slower too, so 1 venus day is 243 earth days, but a venus year is 224.7 earth days long, due to its slow rotation and think atmosphere the temperature on Venus is 480 degree C / 896 degree F, this is mainly due to a greenhouse effect, caused by its think clouds