Teacher other resources

Please find other things I have found useful to teach and inspire learners

System error puzzles 

a code breaking puzzle game to encourage problem solving skills 

Learners will need to solve 13 puzzles and then work out code on puzzle 14

System error intro card

Ship Map

Puzzle 1

Puzzle 2

Puzzle 3

Puzzle 4

Puzzle 5

Puzzle 6

Puzzle 7

Puzzle 8

Puzzle 9 

Puzzle 10 

Puzzle 11

Puzzle 12

Puzzle 13

Puzzle 14 (the final puzzle)

Answer sheet (teachers only)

learners questions and other information 

size comparison of other planets/moon 

universe scales in text format, (with pictures coming soon) 

Day and Night explain pdf 

star size and mass basic information sheet

basic fact sheet on solar system 

Are there other planets? and how we find them

simple answer 

are there Aliens?

official answer to date  

Space quiz

for over 12s with good level of knowledge