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New Website layout Coming Soon

As many of you have made us aware that its hard to find things, we have taken your feed back seriously and working very hard to make a better more easier to follow website for all space explorers

this includes better free stuff, easy to find information 

better teaching resources and more

easy access to book Lesson with me too 

plus a new podcast coming too

we have been very busy and hope you enjoy the new site soon 



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Space comm expo

Space comm expo this week, new hand outs and put in more requests for information and help. i hope better response this year

update on STEM awards, unfortunately I didn’t win, however to be a finalist was a great honour and start, i ope more rewards in my future. i will not stop 

thankyou for all your help and support my solar explorers 

keep up the great work i will 

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STEM Awards

I am pleased to inform you that your submission title Space4allEducation – has been selected as a FINALIST for the Award Category of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (D, E & I) at MK STEM Awards 2024.

Congratulants Team, thankyou for all your hard work

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space education zoom results

Meeting update

As everyone knows .. no one knows everything, so I attend lots of events to help me learner more so I can teach better, I had talks with lots of other teachers and Stem/Steam people from around the world, I found it very useful and will keep pushing forward to bring space and astronomy to all the UK and the world, a lot of people are doing Similar things to me and we will be working together to produce better Lessons for you all 

however I think I’m the only one who does under 10s and they loved the fact that I know the importance of getting learners earlier and its working .. so great news for me and great to hear I’m doing good and some want my work too

here are some some websites to check out, some for teachers, some for learners, 

please enjoy


Unistellar Research: Got Questions About Outer Space? Forget Google—Just Ask Your Kids

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lots of great news

hello everyone

here’s some amazing news updates

new videos will be released next years .. after lots of hard work, I have put together a serious of videos about the solar system and business that support Space education, and have greatly donated their time to help me tell you all about them 

also Celestron has donated a new better telescope to help learners see things better in night sky, the scope will be used to inspire disabled to enjoy space industry more, i have already tested it out without camera (sorry ) and got amazing view of Jupiter and its moons .. will test camera on Sunday better 

also got a new laser cutter so new products will available soon hopefully for Christmas 

please keep watching for new updates and new products soon 




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new videos coming soon

hello space explorers, please note i have been working very hard to improve things for you and get better equipment and learning new programs, to that end, i am making new educational videos that are free and some only available via membership program, if i miss anything or you need more information in videos, please get in touch 
